Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Communist Cannibals - CC4: Ultimate Violence

The latest installment in CC albums has finally arrived. Recorded between November 2007 to this morning, this particular album varies heavily from both CC1 and CC2. Several tracks make use of live recordings with guitar provided by Joe Clark (of Goatse fame). The upload provided today contains the album in m4a format. I intend to create an mp3 upload as soon as I have time, so if you are morally apposed to m4a's, remain calm.

1. /run:slaughter.exe
2. Synchronized
3. Cannibal Unbound
4. Cannibal theme
5. Thousands Dead
6. Billions Dead
7. Elite Carnage
8. Chemical Weaponry in a Poor Black Neighborhood
9. Eternal Longing (For Violence)
10. Surgical Bombings
11. Pool of Corpses
12. Black
13. Ode to Bloodletting
14. God Killing Two Cities of Fags
15. Feeding Pits
16. Theme Reprise
17. Prelude to Ubermensch
18. Sentinel Hymn
19. Brain Power Failure
20. Satan's Holiday
21. Acid Decay of a Dead President in Peru
22. At Our Graves
23. I - Winds of Plague, Vitality, and Denial
24. II - Our Darkest Necropsy
25. III - Winter Death
26. IV - Daunte Lies Burning
27. V - Message For North
28. VI - Drive-By Vomitspit
29. VII - Wind's Second Coming
30. VIII - Summer Scorn
31. IX - Marching On
32. X - Our Darkest Necropsy (Reprise)
33. Pure Unadulturated Annihilation
34. a + b = 0 Where a = the Cummulative Value of All Human Morals and Where b = The Summation of Positive Effects Carried Out as a Result of Human Emotion
35. Requiem
36. Diontae's Last Flight
37. E-mail '08
38. Dead Children
39. Antichrist


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